Diet Doctors Medical Center since 1984
Panorama City, CA
Lost 25 lbs

My Story:
It all started when I noticed that several friends of mine had lost a lot of weight. I asked them for advice and help because I've been struggling with my weight ever since my son was born. My friends referred me to Diet Doctors and after only two weeks of following Dr. Phillips' diet program, I was down 14 lbs! I made sure to stick to Diet Doctors' easy-to-follow diet plan and to get my weekly, complimentary Vitamin B-12 injection. It has only been two months since I first walked into Diet Doctors Medical Center and I've already lost 25 lbs!
My experience with Diet Doctors and their staff:
The staff at Diet Doctors is very helpful, welcoming, approachable and knowledgeable. They're always there to help you get the best results and achieve your weight loss goals.
What motivated me to lose weight?
My two most important motivators are my husband and my son. In addition, I want to keep my mood and energy levels high.
What were/are my biggest challenges?
My biggest challenges are junk food and alcohol.
Special tip(s) I would like to share:
Eat right, exercise and look for something that motivates you.